Outfit: Happy schoolgirl

The sun is out and I'm fouling around. It's friday and I'm happy so why not. Why you ask, well the vacation I have been longing for soo long is finally here -yeeyh-. Not that I don't have a lot of homework waiting for me, but let's not focus on the bad things. Not that homework is bad I mean I have a lot of very cool projects I need to rand up, so you this is going to be good too weeks.

Hope the sun stays nice to us tho!
My agenda is full and I have a lot of cool post waiting for you guys, so make sure to stay tuned!
- hint hint, photo diaries photo diaries and more photo diaries -.
Wearing: Vintage Jacket, EDC Sweater, Primark Skirt
Zipper Socks and White All Stars

Thanks for stopping by
hope to see you in my next post!
Much Love,


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