First things first: THE RULES:
- Thank and link the person who nominated you.
- list the rules and display the award.
- Share seven facts about yourself.
- Nominate 15 other blogs and comment on their post to let them know they have been nominated.
- Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blog who nominated you.
Lets get personal, SEVEN FACTS ABOUT MOI:
- I love being health, but I'm just to lazy. Thank God I don't gain weight easily.
- You can't see me sad often, for my name is 'I have joy' - but really that is what my name means, funny hu hahah. -
- I love fashion, food and music.
- At first I may come over a bit shy, but trust me I'm really not.
- I love blogging. It turned from just a holiday thing to a real hobby, definitely not planning to stop soon.
- Not a lot of people I know, know I have a blog
- I love having things in control and doing it my own way, but I'm always very open to new things and experiences.
The cool people keeping me inspired, 15 BLOGS I NOMINATE:
- Omgosh this was so hard, I really couldn't choose my bloglovin list is full with inspiring blog pff.. -
I want to take a minut and thank my readers too, because if it wasn't for you guys I would maybe have quit blogging for a long time and I won't know how much fun it really is.
You guys give me the energy to keep on keeping on. I appreciate the time you take to visit my blog and all the sweet comments you always leave down below. I love reading and answering them, you guys are the best!
Thanks for stopping by
and I hope you enjoyed the post
and I hope you enjoyed the post
Much Love,

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