Hee hello,
This years Dutch Design Week was in Eindhoven.
Dutch Design Week is an awesome week where new designers can showcase their work
- you can think of interior, media, fashion and industriel work -.
And I was lucky enough to go there with school last week!
I went to different showcases, but wasnt able to cover it all in one day sad enough.
That is why I dont have pictures of everything, but the things I was able to see where very cool!
These are some of the pictures I made last week. If you follow me on instagram - @xMothii -
you would have seen some already, but I hope you, enjoy!
Wearing: Episode Denim, Primark Legging,
Nike Air Max
- This was seriously the coolest thing ever! -
Mode Bewuste 2014
- Last picture by Luka Balm -.
Thanks for stopping by loves
See you in my next post!
Much Love,

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